Craig Venter has accomplished one amazing feat recently as he has created synthetic life! This might sound frightening almost but there is plenty of reasons to be afraid. Synthetic life is a organism that is made of man made DNA. This synthetic life is nothing more than self replicating cells at the moment - as seen above. But the possibilities are staggering. We could make bacteria that might float around in the atmosphere eating up carbon dioxide, helping to put an end to global warming. Dr. Craig Venter and his colleagues are already talking with fuel companies to make a bacteria that would produce its own fuel, that could be more efficent and less pollutant. The same idea is being applied to medicines as new vacines are being created as well! This break through could literally start a new industrial revolution. The man responsible can be seen below.

However there are some risks and reasons to be afraid. We dont know how the new bacteria will behave in its environment. And it could potentially cuase more cuase than harm. And just because we can use this new science to make the world a better place we can also use to to make it a horrible place to live. Imagine world war 3, with this new bacteria we could make bacteria in a bomb that would instantly kill a human if he accidently in-haled some of it. So imagine a atomic weapon that cuases a city to be engulfed in a heavy mist of this bacteria! And what if this bacteria spreads? There are many reasons to be afraid... There are benifits and dangers but i think should not worry about these potential dangers. I think our government will take care of any problems that arise.