
Monday, June 21, 2010


I have lots of ideas, if you ever see me sitting alone qieutly im thinking. I have so many ideas for inventions to make the world a better place! Some of them recuire a little theory. I have a idea for a machine that would create a unlimited amount of energy continuely without losing energy in the process. It recuires theory however, Monopoles and negative energy are both needed for this machine to function correctly. Monopoles are magnects with only one pole. There is no south side just a north side and vise versa. Their is also negative energy recuired, a new science that is proven to work but it is a very hard to create. The amount of money and energy recuired for the amount of negative energy i need is un-economic. Until science progresses farther, my machine isent going to work! I write all my ideas down in a journal, and later on in my life i can go back to them and say "Hey this is a real possibility now!"

Because physical science is so interesting with so many marvels and phenominons im almost constantly baffled at how mother nature had come so far. In the words of steven Hawkings, "I never cease to be amazed at how a star created everything." It might have been a bit diffrent but we are all created from stars. Let me explain, a long time ago after the Big bang there was nothing but Hyrogen gas. All over the place nothing but large clumps of this abundant gas. If all of this gas was spaced evenly apart in the universe, gravity would be acting on it the same way in all directions. But there was tiny imperfections, a single gas molecule out of place. Effecting gravity its pulled towards another molecule and gravity is now stronger pulling towards the two hyrdrogen gas molecules because their gravity has combined. Soon after clumps of Hyrdogen start to build up and press against each other. Gravity is wreaking havoc on the tiny imperfections cuasing after a million years of gases pushing together, creating more friction, somewhere in the center of that giant ball of gas two hygrogen atoms fuse together creating a new element, Heluim. And as this happens the gas ball bursts into life creating a sun! The first sun would be 1000x larger then our own sun. It shined a blue shine in the cosmos and it soon had company as more suns burst into life.

The very first sun in the universe probably looked something like the large blue star you can see above. Under it is a nebula. A nebula is simply large clusters of hyrogen gas clustering up forming stars all the time.

Then after a while those heluim atoms fuse together as well, creating something diffrent, which can create something diffrent as well. And things such as carbon (Basic building tool for life) and Iron (a much heavier substance that doesent burn like heluim or hyrdogen) is formed. As Iron builds up in the stars center it slowly runs out of burnable fuel. After a long life as a star the star explodes in a super nova

A super nova is probably one of the most beautiful things you can see, and physics has a good reason for it. As the Star epxloded the atoms inside experiance more heat then ever before. New elements such as gold, lead, and other heavy compounds are created! The stuff we are made up of, without a star exploding we would not even exist. All this happens because of tiny imperfections. In the words of Steven Hawkings "Next time some one proves that you have made a mistake, tell him to be grateful. Because without tiny imperfections and mistakes we wouldent exist!"

The point im making with all of this is simply put, if mother nature and physics is so complex. Anything could be possible, and if you think youve found the next way to fly without a plane write it down. Because maybe someday in the near future it wont seem like such a ridiculous idea!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Black holes that imitate atoms - The bigger picture

What? Blackholes are the most massive things in existense that we are aware of. But the Black holes dont imitate atoms persay but the sub atomic particles around those atoms called Protons! So the most massive object in the universe behaving like a sub-atomic particle? Thats rather odd wouldent you say? Let me explain how, when two black holes orbit each other one black hole will glow red, the other one will glow Blue.

One blue galaxy and one red galaxy. The blackholes themselve dont actually change colors but the gases around them, the galaxy around them willl glow red or blue. The black hole thats pulling on the other black hole glows blue. (Left black hole) and the Black hole that glows red is being pulled (One on the right). But how do orbiting black holes have anything to do with Atoms and their sub-atomic particles?

When a planet orbits a sun it has a circular pattern, some times a oval path. A good example is our own planet Earth. Earth has a oval orbit around our sun that changes every 100 thousand years from the X axis to the Y axis. Thats pretty interesting, but also pretty common. Alot of planets orbit their sun in a circular/oval shape.

Comets have a interesting orbit path, they crash in so close to the sun with such extreme speeds from the gravity of the sun that it turns and is slingshotted back out into space! And then it slowly slows down before crashing back towards the sun and repeating its self. Sometimes it does crash into the sun!

But when two black holes orbit each other, they have a rather odd orbit pattern. It all started when a scientist (Cannot find the name on the internet anywere) wanted to see if two black holes orbiting each other would make a noise. Because according to phyics it should make a tremoring sound. But the instruments we have arent sensitive enough to pick up on it.. but what we did find was something rather interesting. When two black holes orbit each other, it isent a circle or oval pattern but a clover pattern!

Seen to the right, red lines represent the orbit of the black hole
The black hole at the center is stationary.
This is the same way a nuetron orbits a atom! Well then that got me thinking, what if really their is another world just like our own but we are to microscopic to see it! What if atoms in a sense are like black holes? If we took a microscope and looked at a atom with the correct magnification that we could dimension by comparing a galaxy around a black hole, to what the size of a microscopic galaxy would be around a atom. The atom would be the size of a Black hole so all we would have to do is scale down. If we looked is it possible their was something like a galaxy orbiting a atom? Maybe it would be something like small electrons buzzing all around the atom possibly. Honestly none of this is probably correct i would think, but its nice to think outside of the box once in a while. What if? Our universe and its laws of phyics are so complex we are actually all set on a 2d hologram at the edge of the cosmos. But we are in 3d? It's very hard to comprehend it all but its true until proven otherwise. All im saying is, think outside of the box once in a while, you could be on to something!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

#7 modest proposal

Dear. Obama

I have noticed a large population of rabid wild dogs in the US. These large populations of wild dog can be a problem because they can infect people with rabies. The dogs are mostly very aggressive and it can cost alot of money to get rid of rabies. With so many dogs infecting people i had a sudden idea. When people have rabies, the common symptom is foam from the mouth. The planet is running out of fresh water, and saliva is made up of 99% water! Because so many people are infected with rabies before the get cured they should fill a bucket with their saliva so that it can be turned into drinking water! We should infact release a few dogs infected with the rabies virus to spread it to other rabid dogs. That way more people can fill buckets increasing the amount of fresh water in the USA! It could become a standard that you fill one bucket of saliva before you are allowed to be cured for the Rabies disease. It would benifit us so much because saliva is almost like a re-newable source of water! Instead of wasting the water we should use it!


Donald M

Modest Proposal #6

People actaully would benifit from Swifts idea. English landlords would benifit because the Irish would have some money to pay owed money. The Irish themselves would benifit because they would get payed, however no amount of money can honestly pay for taking ones child to be eaten. The Irish would lose more then they gained in my opinion. The Economy would be a all around better for the entire nation. Ontop of the that, theivery would become much less of a problem. Children who have to steal to survive were a common thing back then. With less hungry children on the streets the English wouldent have to constantly make sure they werent about to be pick pocketed. The people who would mostly benifit from Mr. Swifts idea from being accepted would be the English. The Irish may have money, but losing their children to greedy English landlords so they can consume them could never be replaced with money.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Modest proposal #5

Jonathin swift was not effected by the problems such as poverty and the plauge, he dident have to deal with those problems. He was a neatrual party who looked at the problem and knew what was wrong with it. Overpopulation was not a problem for him to deal with because he did not live in Ireland. He had the money to purchase food to live and shelter to protect himself in from the elements. However he wanted to do something about all the poor Irish people constantly taking abuse from the English. The Irish in ireland had to deal with the poverty, overpopulation and the plauge. As they tried to enter America they were mistreated and abused. The worse part is that 1/3 of all of Irelands food was from potatoes! This doesent sound so bad but when the Potato Famine occured 25% of Irelands population died! This was cuased by the potato blight, which ravaged potato crops in Europe. Because there was no food, people either died, migrated to America or tried to get by. Jonothin Swift i believe identified himself as a prostanent and left it at that. Swift sent this letter i believe because even though he wasent effected by the problems Ireland was facing he saw the corruption that made life unfair for them. He wanted to help the Irish out, espiacally the ones that moved to America.

Modest Proposal #4

Irony is when the speaker means the oposite of what he says. In the modest proposal i think the speaker was being very ironic. Mr. Swift even though he is technically the proposer has many diffrences between him and his proposal self. Such as the fact he personally never would want the Irish to have their babys roasted like pigs! The proposer not only said that but would give a good price range of how much they would sell for, as well as ensuring the English on a better economy. Mr. Swift however did not mean any of this. He was writing a satire, and as a resualt used alot of irony. To the point he meant exactly the oposite and was saying and wanted the Irish to wake up and realize they dont have to take this abuse!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Modest Proposal #3

Mr. Swift was obviously the proposer, but i think he represented a number of people rather then just himself. I think Mr.Swift represented the nuetral party. The people who arent really effected by what is going on but see it happening. The thrid party group that gives an opinion of the affairs of others. Kindof like the common sense that says, this is whats wrong with this country now whos going to fix this problem? By using sarcasm in making is proposal a satire he targets the english prostanets (The audience). Even though this letter was sent to the king he knew it would spread and that the english prostenants would hear about it. The other targeted audience would have been the Irish farmers themselves because he wanted them to hear what he thought about them. He wanted them to realize through his sarcasm that they take far more abuse then they deserve. They need to stand up and make a stand against the unfair prostenants. By being completely serious in his proposal it made them really stop and think "Wow, they want to eat our babies now?"! He was trying to get them to rebel against the prostanents. At least that what i think was a hidden message in his satire. He knew when they heard it, they wouldent be happy about it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Modest proposal # 2

Ireland was in a state of distress. At the time, Ireland had it's civilians living in poverty and fighting off the pluage! People all over were dying and their was no real sanitary place. Food might be contaminated with the black plauge. And ontop of that there wasent alot of food to go around in the first place! There were so many mothers giving birth to babies were the father would leave without question. They were forced to become theifs to survive! If they dident they most likely would die. There wasent alot of orphanages around for them. The modest proposal found a solution to the problems people were facing. However the proposal was one of extremes...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Craig Venter, a bioenterpreneur and god?

Craig Venter has accomplished one amazing feat recently as he has created synthetic life! This might sound frightening almost but there is plenty of reasons to be afraid. Synthetic life is a organism that is made of man made DNA. This synthetic life is nothing more than self replicating cells at the moment - as seen above. But the possibilities are staggering. We could make bacteria that might float around in the atmosphere eating up carbon dioxide, helping to put an end to global warming. Dr. Craig Venter and his colleagues are already talking with fuel companies to make a bacteria that would produce its own fuel, that could be more efficent and less pollutant. The same idea is being applied to medicines as new vacines are being created as well! This break through could literally start a new industrial revolution. The man responsible can be seen below.

However there are some risks and reasons to be afraid. We dont know how the new bacteria will behave in its environment. And it could potentially cuase more cuase than harm. And just because we can use this new science to make the world a better place we can also use to to make it a horrible place to live. Imagine world war 3, with this new bacteria we could make bacteria in a bomb that would instantly kill a human if he accidently in-haled some of it. So imagine a atomic weapon that cuases a city to be engulfed in a heavy mist of this bacteria! And what if this bacteria spreads? There are many reasons to be afraid... There are benifits and dangers but i think should not worry about these potential dangers. I think our government will take care of any problems that arise.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Valde Licentia day one

We have named our Country Valde Licentia, It stand for "The Great Freedom" in Latin. We have a nice country and we plan to stay peaceful. We hope to build a great economy through trade and good treaties. On our first day we have rolled nothing, we hope to have better rolls in the future.

One major event that happened is that we have noticed a country just beyond our countries borders to the east. This country is still a mystery and we do not know if they are friendly or hostile. We hope to make allies with this country in hopes of a better future! Becuase that is what we all want, a better and more optomistic future!

Along with that we have found large groupings of tree's to our south we have decided to name "Forests". These groupings of tree's seem to stretch on for ever, even past our border line! However to our north we have found long plains of icy snow. We have decided to name this frozen waste land a "Tundra". Both of these places are very unique however it seems rather peculiar we have both! We are all wondering what the rest of the world is like! Does that forest stretch on forever?

Friday, May 21, 2010


The Essay a modest proposal in my opinion is not at all a satire. A Satire is a series of words and sentances that are arranged in a clever way to attack something that is wrong. It is like sarcasm and states something possiby nice but means the oposite. For instance its like saying "Nice day were having". When a tornado is rounding your block. But Satires are used more to attack things that are fualted in a system. In a modest proposal it might sound like the author is stating a ridiculous proposal. Eating children to solve economic problems that the un-fair leaders are only making worse. But i think that the Author was entirely serious when he sent that letter.

Free game for Steam users!

I don't usually talk about video games but i thought today i would post this blog for all my friends because i think they enjoy free stuff as much as i do. Recently a well known computer program called "Steam" has introduced a Mac friendly version of their program to allow gamers with Mac's to play to! Steam is a legit program that has a growing community of gamers. It bought the rights to sell Modern Warfare 2 for the Computer. It was created by a company called Valve. Valve created some of the best games for the computer such as Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress etc. All of these games were major sellers and are very popular. One of their games that runs off the Half-Life game engine is called Portal. Portal is a puzzle game where you must get to the end of a obstacle course by creating 2 portals at a time that you can travel through. You use a device that acts like a gun that shoots where you want these portal to end up at. This might sound like an easy challenge to complete but the game is actually very challenging.

A example of 2 portals -

This game concentrated on a very good physics engine to create the best most realistic puzzle game they could. You can actually put on portal above yourself and one below and go through these portal for eternity constantly picking up speed!

The reason I'm telling you about this game is because if you install Steam onto your computer before May 28Th you can download Portal for free! Portal will be free to any one who installs it before May28Th. This is not a free Trial it is completely free with no catches or surveys you have to take. You simply click the install button! Steam is doing this because their computer gaming that allows for in game instant messaging and voice chat has been so successful that they can afford to give it away! This is their way of celebrating of Steam moving onto mac computers!

I thought i would tell every one of this free Puzzle game, its very fun and challenging. Ive played it and i enjoy beating the levels! You can download Steam at this URL

I hope you enjoy this game as much as i do! On a side note their is absolutely no cost to you. All it takes is just a little bit of your own time and some computer memory to store the game.