I have lots of ideas, if you ever see me sitting alone qieutly im thinking. I have so many ideas for inventions to make the world a better place! Some of them recuire a little theory. I have a idea for a machine that would create a unlimited amount of energy continuely without losing energy in the process. It recuires theory however, Monopoles and negative energy are both needed for this machine to function correctly. Monopoles are magnects with only one pole. There is no south side just a north side and vise versa. Their is also negative energy recuired, a new science that is proven to work but it is a very hard to create. The amount of money and energy recuired for the amount of negative energy i need is un-economic. Until science progresses farther, my machine isent going to work! I write all my ideas down in a journal, and later on in my life i can go back to them and say "Hey this is a real possibility now!"
Because physical science is so interesting with so many marvels and phenominons im almost constantly baffled at how mother nature had come so far. In the words of steven Hawkings, "I never cease to be amazed at how a star created everything." It might have been a bit diffrent but we are all created from stars. Let me explain, a long time ago after the Big bang there was nothing but Hyrogen gas. All over the place nothing but large clumps of this abundant gas. If all of this gas was spaced evenly apart in the universe, gravity would be acting on it the same way in all directions. But there was tiny imperfections, a single gas molecule out of place. Effecting gravity its pulled towards another molecule and gravity is now stronger pulling towards the two hyrdrogen gas molecules because their gravity has combined. Soon after clumps of Hyrdogen start to build up and press against each other. Gravity is wreaking havoc on the tiny imperfections cuasing after a million years of gases pushing together, creating more friction, somewhere in the center of that giant ball of gas two hygrogen atoms fuse together creating a new element, Heluim. And as this happens the gas ball bursts into life creating a sun! The first sun would be 1000x larger then our own sun. It shined a blue shine in the cosmos and it soon had company as more suns burst into life. 

The very first sun in the universe probably looked something like the large blue star you can see above. Under it is a nebula. A nebula is simply large clusters of hyrogen gas clustering up forming stars all the time.
Then after a while those heluim atoms fuse together as well, creating something diffrent, which can create something diffrent as well. And things such as carbon (Basic building tool for life) and Iron (a much heavier substance that doesent burn like heluim or hyrdogen) is formed. As Iron builds up in the stars center it slowly runs out of burnable fuel. After a long life as a star the star explodes in a super nova

A super nova is probably one of the most beautiful things you can see, and physics has a good reason for it. As the Star epxloded the atoms inside experiance more heat then ever before. New elements such as gold, lead, and other heavy compounds are created! The stuff we are made up of, without a star exploding we would not even exist. All this happens because of tiny imperfections. In the words of Steven Hawkings "Next time some one proves that you have made a mistake, tell him to be grateful. Because without tiny imperfections and mistakes we wouldent exist!"
The point im making with all of this is simply put, if mother nature and physics is so complex. Anything could be possible, and if you think youve found the next way to fly without a plane write it down. Because maybe someday in the near future it wont seem like such a ridiculous idea!
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