What? Blackholes are the most massive things in existense that we are aware of. But the Black holes dont imitate atoms persay but the sub atomic particles around those atoms called Protons! So the most massive object in the universe behaving like a sub-atomic particle? Thats rather odd wouldent you say? Let me explain how, when two black holes orbit each other one black hole will glow red, the other one will glow Blue. 

One blue galaxy and one red galaxy. The blackholes themselve dont actually change colors but the gases around them, the galaxy around them willl glow red or blue. The black hole thats pulling on the other black hole glows blue. (Left black hole) and the Black hole that glows red is being pulled (One on the right). But how do orbiting black holes have anything to do with Atoms and their sub-atomic particles?
When a planet orbits a sun it has a circular pattern, some times a oval path. A good example is our own planet Earth. Earth has a oval orbit around our sun that changes every 100 thousand years from the X axis to the Y axis. Thats pretty interesting, but also pretty common. Alot of planets orbit their sun in a circular/oval shape.
Comets have a interesting orbit path, they crash in so close to the sun with such extreme speeds from the gravity of the sun that it turns and is slingshotted back out into space! And then it slowly slows down before crashing back towards the sun and repeating its self. Sometimes it does crash into the sun!
But when two black holes orbit each other, they have a rather odd orbit pattern. It all started when a scientist (Cannot find the name on the internet anywere) wanted to see if two black holes orbiting each other would make a noise. Because according to phyics it should make a tremoring sound. But the instruments we have arent sensitive enough to pick up on it.. but what we did find was something rather interesting. When two black holes orbit each other, it isent a circle or oval pattern but a clover pattern!
Seen to the right, red lines represent the orbit of the black hole
The black hole at the center is stationary.
This is the same way a nuetron orbits a atom! Well then that got me thinking, what if really their is another world just like our own but we are to microscopic to see it! What if atoms in a sense are like black holes? If we took a microscope and looked at a atom with the correct magnification that we could dimension by comparing a galaxy around a black hole, to what the size of a microscopic galaxy would be around a atom. The atom would be the size of a Black hole so all we would have to do is scale down. If we looked is it possible their was something like a galaxy orbiting a atom? Maybe it would be something like small electrons buzzing all around the atom possibly. Honestly none of this is probably correct i would think, but its nice to think outside of the box once in a while. What if? Our universe and its laws of phyics are so complex we are actually all set on a 2d hologram at the edge of the cosmos. But we are in 3d? It's very hard to comprehend it all but its true until proven otherwise. All im saying is, think outside of the box once in a while, you could be on to something!
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